Refreshing to say the least. Well as refreshing as it can get.
The issue with the rapist died. He didn't admit to everything total for the conference call. I have been getting called, stalked, followed, left messages. It's scary. I really can't handle it. I have thrown myself into panic attacks. Scares me.
I spent the night a few nights ago just crying. I haven't done that in awhile. It was with the redhead. I hate crying especially in front of him. He gave me some advice to just confront him. I don't know if I could do that. Really? The man who fucked me to the extent of bruises on my legs, my disoriented self didn't know what to do. I still don't know what to do when it comes to the extent of seeing him on campus. It happens, more than I would like as well.
It kind of makes me scared to see what happens next.
It was comforting to know he had some problems too. I just wish he kind of understood why my trust issues are out of control. Atleast for the moment.
In happier in news, I spoke with my brother for the first time in over 20 years. They have been looking for me. Amazing.We all hate my father, and I actually kind of look like them. Pretty nuts.
Paisley Jane signing out.