Hey all it's been awhile since I last blogged. What has been going on in my world? Well work is super boring. It's starting to get annoying.
School has started.
My first class was Math
As most of you know, I am not a big fan of math. I hate Math... it's horrible. I am doing okay in it right now.
Then I have Family Cultural and Ethnic Diversity.
The teacher is super energetic. Which I really like. Plus in the first class we watched an episode of the office which I freaking love. We shall see how these classes go.
Then I had parent adolescence relationships. It was interesting. The teacher is a snooze. Were watching a video about the brain tomorrow.
Then English is boring- basically with Mr. Garrison. So funny.
Courtship and Marriage is funny- it's with FEY so it's usually pretty amusing. Plus its my last class of the day.
In other news. The redheaded boy and I are taking things slow. God only knows whats going on in his brian. But Ia m okay with taking things slow. Good things come to those who wait.
He's been sick. :(
I also have been wondering why he keeps thinkings I would drop him. he says something along the lines of do you know how many guys would want to date you? I figure if I am with him. that's what counts. I am not into cheating. But thats me.